I met Magic Johnson a couple years back and I asked him two questions - What was the most important moment in your life? And what was your most important moment in your basketball career?
He said he'd answer the first one after and it involves his family, he walked over to me and he said being in my situation and still having a loving family and he shook my hand which was nice I will always remember that.
The second one I was surprised because I thought he would mention something towards the end of his NBA career like the All-Star game that he came back for but he hesitated said he's surprised he hasn't been asked this question more often and he goes something along the lines of it's a tie between the '79 NCAA championship when he beat Bird in the finals and when Kareem Abdul Jabar went down and he had to play center his rookie year in the 1980 NBA Finals. And then with a big smile he goes that was a good year.
Magic is an impressive man and I'm sure he is secretly smiling about what went down with Sterling and Silver, but he has so many bigger things going on then some 80 year old, former NBA owner.

Picture Reference: http://www.zimbio.com/Where+Are+They+Now+-+Famous+Olympians/articles/JgX5rIFJrBJ/Magic+Johnson
He said he'd answer the first one after and it involves his family, he walked over to me and he said being in my situation and still having a loving family and he shook my hand which was nice I will always remember that.
The second one I was surprised because I thought he would mention something towards the end of his NBA career like the All-Star game that he came back for but he hesitated said he's surprised he hasn't been asked this question more often and he goes something along the lines of it's a tie between the '79 NCAA championship when he beat Bird in the finals and when Kareem Abdul Jabar went down and he had to play center his rookie year in the 1980 NBA Finals. And then with a big smile he goes that was a good year.
Magic is an impressive man and I'm sure he is secretly smiling about what went down with Sterling and Silver, but he has so many bigger things going on then some 80 year old, former NBA owner.

Picture Reference: http://www.zimbio.com/Where+Are+They+Now+-+Famous+Olympians/articles/JgX5rIFJrBJ/Magic+Johnson
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